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Summer 2022- exploring the forests, streams, and wetlands of Appalachia

EKU REU 2022 Smokies trip

For the summer 2022 program we hosted 11 students who explored Appalachia, learned new skills, and built lots of great friendships. See the 2022 project summaries for details about their research projects. 

Summer 2020


The program had its share of challenges in the summer of 2020, but all of the students and mentors persevered to pull together excellent research projects. The cohort was smaller in 2020 and all came from local schools. Several of the students have already presented their work at virtual conferences.

Summer 2019


Summaries of 2019 summer REU projects are now available! Thirteen students worked with faculty, agency professionals, and graduate students to conduct research across eastern Kentucky.

Summer 2018 was awesome!

Summer 2018

Check out the projects! During the summer of 2018, we had 9 faculty members, 4 graduate students, and several agency professionals working with our 10 Research Experience for Undergraduates interns. 

Summer 2017

group photo of participants

During the summer of 2017, our we had 9 faculty members, 3 graduate students, and 4 undergraduate students working with our 10 Research Experience for Undergraduates interns and 2 Research Experience for Teachers interns. Check out their projects!

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