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Summer 2019 REU Projects

Thomas Bustamante, University of Mary Washington, Mentor: Dr. Sherry Harrel. Habitat heterogeneity and fish communities relative to debris dams in East Fork Indian Creek, Menifee County, KY

Jordan Gunter, Centre College, Mentors: John Hast (KDFWR) and Dr. Charles Elliott. Estimating Black Bear occupancy in Beaver Creek Wildlife Management Area of Daniel Boone National Forest.

Sadie Hennen, Lawrence University, WI, Mentor: Dr. Jonathan Malzone. The hydrostratigraphy of wetlands in the Cumberland District, Daniel Boone National Forest.

Ivy Irihayme, Graduated from The Gatton Academy and entering Centre College, Mentor: Dr. Stephen Richter. Body condition of Eastern Copperheads and recurrence in a Kentucky campsite.

Jasmine Kelly, University of North Carolina at Pembroke, Mentor: Dr. David Brown. The importance of Eastern Hemlock on Acadian Flycatcher home range use.

Nick Koenig, Eastern Kentucky University, Mentors: Drs. Jennifer Koslow and Kelly Watson. Field assessment and niche modeling of populations of Microstegium vimineum at Lilley Cornett Woods.

Joseph Lightsey, Winston Salem State University, Mentor: Dr. Luke Dodd. Assessing potential shifts in the nightly activity patterns of bats during the maternity season.

Hailey Mount, Marlboro College, VT, Mentor: Dr. Jennifer Koslow. Impacts of invasive Ailanthus altissima on an old growth forest in Southeastern Kentucky.

Sharon Ngassa, Berea College, Mentor: Dr. Valerie Peters. Bumblebee diversity of Eastern KY habitat types, with a special focus on the federally endangered Rusty-patched Bumblebee.

Elizabeth Robinson, Eastern Kentucky University, Mentor: Dr. Luke Dodd. Artificial roost use and emergence phenology of Indiana bats.

Lexi Robison, Clarion University of Pennsylvania, Mentor: Dr. Cy Mott. Impacts of an invasive honeysuckle, Lonicera maackii, on embryonic and larval anurans and their associated invertebrate communities.

Brittany Ryan, Mansfield University of Pennsylvania, Mentor: Dr. Kelly Watson. Assessing insect assemblages at natural and constructed ridge-top wetlands in the Cumberland Ranger District of the Daniel Boone National Forest.

Antwanai Seay-Moreland, Central State University, Mentor: Dr. Stephen Richter. Post foraging behavior of Eastern Copperheads (Agkistrodon contortrix) in eastern Kentucky seasonal habitat.

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